Friday, November 21, 2014


Next week is a great day to celebrate with family and friends! its a day of appreciation as well as the month. you may see everyone on Facebook posting things they are grateful for. you know i will make a list next week of what my gratitude is!

this week has been great getting things done. so today we went to the white house for a tour as a mission..... guess what my thoughts are..... some know me and would guess my reaction but its different from what you think..... sadly it was not worth it. i got exited for nothing. it was over in like 5 minutes. their visitor center was more exciting then it all. even the capitol building tour was more exciting. anyway if the showed more the white house and not only a fourth of it then it would had been more worth it. anyway yeah. so this week has been good. i have been staying busy.
Know what i have been thinking about is that it has been almost a year since a great Family friend has been passed away! he was a great home teacher for my family! their family has been great! he was in a sad car accident and it wasnt his fault. my heart is for his family!

 this time of year for me is full of hard to think about anniversary's of things but i try to stay busy so they dont get to me to much! november, december, and january i have a hard time. im grateful for the plan of salvation to help sooth the feelings and to help me not feel to down. im grateful to be out on the mission for these anniversary's so i stay busy because a couple are coming on the year mark. some are comeing on a couple years since it has happened! i will always remember them for who they are and not what they did.

I'm Grateful For All I Have And What I Am Given!
Have A WONDERFUL Day And An Amazing Week

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