Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Ghetto Is Getting Better!

so last week was a slow and hard week to meet with people, but so far this week has been a great week! we are working hard so at the end of the week we can move into our new place which is a great place and newer and not as bad as our old place.but it will continue to work out.
        so for p day yesterday we did an awesome zone activity. it was a how down country theme which was pretty cool.we enjoyed great games and it was fun. so we did bobbing for apples, 3 legged race, donut eatting from the sting, seeing who can eat grits and goat milk the fastest.(which i hate gritz now) anyway it was great then we did tug-o-war which was fun and muddy. but it was all fun.
      so the new address for my new place is: 1512 tanner ct Washington D.C 20020
       im exited to be in my new place in the same area in Anacostia central. also for those that have sent letters im working on getting those done. i have been really busy so hopefully i can get to those soon. thanks for the patience! but this week is short but hope you have a great week!

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